Project 52 No 3. Night in Halifax (Speed)

2 08 2011

The next (and last) 3 images for my Project 52 will reflect a common theme, “Night in Halifax”. Frequently over the last few days, I’ve found myself in interesting spots post-sunset and have been able to use the ambient light to create fun photographs. Today’s image is from the Halifax Citadel Historical Site in the middle of the town.  I was attending a gala celebration for the Mercury 2011 conference just as the sun was setting.  I like this image for the static lens flare of the sun on the horizon contrasting with the blur of the car going by. This seems to capture the way things are happening so quickly for Cosmoboy and myself, and how the future looks optimistic for us in our new hometown.

Driving into the sunset on the Halifax Citadel

This is the first in a 3-part series. The next two images will be posted over the next couple days and linked to here:”Reflections” and “Clarity“.

Project 52 – No 37. Cars passing into the sunset

6 10 2010

Last Friday, I was in Duluth, Minnesota to give a seminar at the University of Minnesota. It as a fun trip, and Duluth had even better Fall colours (already tweeted a photo). We flew out of Syracuse, NY which is only about 2-odd hours from Kingston, and allows for quite inexpensive flights within the US. On our drive back from Syracuse, we saw the most amazing cloud formations while the sun was going down. Unfortunately, those didn’t translate well to a 510-pixel wide photograph, since the necessary detail was lost.

However, I did take this photograph of cars passing on the 401, silhouetted by the sun. I liked how the detail of the cars were highlighted by the strong light. If any photograph deserved to be a HDR image, this is it. It was hard to keep the dark and light areas in balance, and still preserve the detail of each, all the while while going over 100 km and focusing through a dirty windshield (and no, I wasn’t driving). Even so, I like this photograph for the “moment” it captured.

Cars Passing on the 401 at Sunset