Project 52 No 20 – Snow in the city at night

30 01 2011

A fresh layer of crystalline snow on the ground has a way of reflecting city lights, and revealing shadows which makes for challenging yet fun photography.  This one was just after a big snowfall, while I was standing in Barrie Street by Queen’s University waiting for my ride.  The trees’ shadows moved with each passing car, while the street lights cast a wonderful pinkish colour on the snow.  The warm light in the distance on the right-hand side evokes home and shelter from the weather.

Snowy night on Barrie Street by Queen's University



2 responses

31 01 2011

It’s gorgeous, Linda. The distance-yet-intensity of the warm-light-of-home strikes me as particularly poignant. And I love the broad field of untrammeled white in the foreground.

31 01 2011

Tom, thanks! I also loved your piece on ant farms and ant battles on!

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